Mon-Fri (9am - 4pm)

Dental Implants
In wheaton

Dental Implants are titanium screws inserted into your jawbone to provide robust support for tooth crowns, bridges, or dentures, enhancing both function and aesthetics. At Dental Surgeons Ltd, our comprehensive implant dentistry services provide a lasting tooth replacement solution, restoring both the function and aesthetics of your natural teeth.

Benefits of dental implants

Permanent Tooth Replacement

Implant Dentistry offers a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth, providing a secure and natural-looking foundation for confident smiles.

Function Like Normal Teeth

Confidently eat, speak, and smile with dental implants that feel natural. Our implant dentistry ensures life remains unaffected, enabling you to embrace every moment.

Improved Oral Function

Dental implants enhance your oral function, allowing you to chew and speak comfortably. You will experience the convenience of stable and reliable teeth.

Preservation of Jawbone

Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving the facial structure. Implant dentistry restores your smile and supports your long-term oral health.

Permanent Tooth Replacement

Implant Dentistry offers a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth, providing a secure and natural-looking foundation for confident smiles.

Improved Oral Function

Dental implants enhance your oral function, allowing you to chew and speak comfortably. You will experience the convenience of stable and reliable teeth.

Function Like Normal Teeth

Confidently eat, speak, and smile with dental implants that feel natural. Our implant dentistry ensures life remains unaffected, enabling you to embrace every moment.

Preservation of Jawbone

Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving the facial structure. Implant dentistry restores your smile and supports your long-term oral health.

Who is it for?

Missing teeth

Implant dentistry is an excellent option for individuals with one or more missing teeth, providing a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution for tooth replacement.

Gum Disease

If you have experienced tooth loss due to gum disease, dental implants can help you regain a beautiful and functional smile, restoring your confidence and oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Dental implants are considered entirely safe for suitable candidates. Provided that patients are in good overall health, the risks of complications or issues related to the dental implant procedure are minimal. Nonetheless, ensuring one’s oral health is in good condition before undergoing dental implant treatment is of utmost importance.

Dental implants have the potential to last up to three decades when given proper maintenance and care. However, similar to any dental procedure, various factors can influence the longevity of a dental implant.